Try contacting the credit agencies and asking. The only reason I could think of is that it makes you seem like more of a risk. Most people don't change their first names, so it could be some sort of a red flag. But, they may not care. Good luck! : )
If you change your first name, could your credit score change?
are u kidding? Please tell me you're kidding.
but, you do know, if you change your name to Unicorn....then you'll credit score will be raised 300 points.
Reply:That's why the credit bureaus use your social security number.
Reply:No - Your credit is still tied to your Social Security #, which will never change (They'll change the First Name on your card when you send in the name change form and Court Order for Name Change, but not the #).
Reply:nope. you use the same social security number on everything. just because you change your name you still should pay your bills.
Reply:No, your social, birthday, and all the past information will still be there. Credit reports will list all names used. Like John Lee Doe, John L. Doe, John Doe, etc. There will even be some mispelled names too like Jon Doe. As long as the socials match, then it won't change your credit score.
Reply:First of all, they won't let you change your first name without a court order.
Reply:Nope, the social security number remains the same...
Reply:They use your Social Security number too not just your name. So no it won't help.
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