Thursday, April 15, 2010

Is it ok to be on a first name basis with your boss at work?

I think so, I call my boss by his first name

Is it ok to be on a first name basis with your boss at work?
I wouldnt do it unless he/she requested me to
Reply:Sure. Well, it depends on your specific workplace I guess. What does everyone else address them as? Everyone calls our boss by her first name where I work.

If you don't know the boss that well, or it's a very large company, it's probably best to address them as Mr. Mrs. or whatever. If you know your boss well or work closely together, I would think first name basis would be appropriate.
Reply:What does your co-workers call the boss? If you are a new employee, just go up to him/her and start by introducing yourself and adding what you would like to be addressed as. Then ad," how would you like to be addressed?" I work in a very laid back family owned place, I address my boss by his first name. But on the other hand I use to work for a Dr. And I addressed him as Dr.Adams. So I guess it depends on the type of business at hand. Usually if outside business associates/contacts are in the mix, it's best to go with Mr. or Mrs.
Reply:Take your boss's lead on that.. I've worked for bosses who preferred a more formal approach, and others casual.
Reply:I would say that is entirely up to the boss. However, if you are singled out as the only one allowed to call him by his first name, I'd make sure I did that in private only. Call him Mr. xxx around other employees, if that is the case.
Reply:Depends on your boss and work enviorment. At some jobs it's perfectly normal.
Reply:Absolutely. I wouldn't think of doing anything else.
Reply:I was introduced to my boss by his first name, so I think it is acceptable that I refer to him as that. He also signs all of his emails by his first name. Take a cue from how you were introduced, how they respond to emails and what other coworkers address him or her by.
Reply:It's only okay 1. if you have a long-time, more personal relationship with your boss than other, newer workers in your company, for example. 2. if other colleague calls the boss by his/her first name. Either way, though, there's nothing incredibly wrong with calling a person by their first name, I don't think!
Reply:of course its ok, it just depends on your boss and your relationship with him/her...
Reply:You might want to base your use of the boss's first name with what others of your same or approximate rank are doing. If your manager calls her Carol, but everyone at your level calls her Ms. Noel, you should probably go with Ms. Noel too.

I've always had bosses that I used first names for, but I know it's not done everywhere.
Reply:It depends on the culture of your office. Some offices frown on calling superiors by their first names others encourage it.

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